Your details
First Name*
Last Name*
Home Phone
Mobile Phone*
Email Address*
How many Pets would you like to book in? OneTwoThreeFour
Pet 1:
Dog or Cat?* DogCat
Sex* MaleFemale
Desexed?* YesNo
Pet 2:
Pet 3:
Pet 4:
Veterinarian Details Vets Name
Vets Phone number
Dates Check our hours of operation before you choose your dates
Arrival date*
Departure date*:
Would you like to book an Apartment style unit?* YesNo
How did you hear about us?
Were we referred by someone? Any substantiated referrals or recommendations will receive a small gift.
Please read and agree to the following:* Agree By submitting this booking form you authorise the Dog O'tel to seek and provide ANY necessary veterinary treatment that your animal may need, and that by doing so, you, the owner are responsible for any veterinary costs for your animal
You will receive email confirmation of your booking or alternately we will call you to confirm your booking.